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Ⓒ Copyright 2019 - 2023 by Ananta World GmbH

Responsible for content, concept, design and realization.

Key Services: Live Marketing, Live Event, Event Management

Companies register entry ​

Registered company name: Ananta World GmbH

Company number: CHE-372.124.683

Commercial Registry Office: Kanton Schwyz

Ananta World GmbH

Biberzeltenstrasse 19

8853 Lachen 


info (at)​

+41 55 260 20 20


Privacy policy

General terms and conditions

By using the Ananta World GmbH (Ananta World) website, users agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Ananta World reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change or modify these terms at any time or to add or remove portions.

Contents of the website
The information published on the website is for informational and personal use only. No warranty is given by Ananta World as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information.

Ananta World accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or direct or indirect damage or consequential damage of any kind arising from the use of or access to the website. Ananta World does not guarantee the faultless functioning of the website. Ananta World also draws attention to the possibility of manipulation of the user's computer system by unauthorised third parties and rejects any liability in this respect.

Use of the website 
The entire content of the website is protected by copyright (namely design, graphics, text). The individual parts of the website belong to Ananta World. The use of the information and individual parts of the website by printing or saving requires a full indication of the source. Reproduction, transmission of any kind, modification, linking or use of the website requires the prior express written consent of Ananta World. It is not permitted to access the website without authorisation, and in particular it is not permitted for unauthorised persons to circumvent the login restriction (whether by manipulation or incorrect entry).

Linked websites (links) 
Links and references to third-party websites are outside the scope of responsibility of Ananta World, which is why any responsibility for the correctness, completeness and legality of the content of such websites as well as for related offers and services is excluded.

Cookies may be used to optimise the website and for reasons of user-friendliness. Such small text files are stored on the user's device and are used for statistical purposes and to recognise the visitor to the website.

Data protection 
Ananta World takes the necessary care to protect the personal data of users. However, the user of the website is aware that the transmission of data via the Internet can never be guaranteed to be completely secure, and all information sent to the website may be intercepted by third parties.

Click here for our privacy policy.

Applicable law 
These terms and conditions are governed by Swiss substantive law. The courts of the city of Lachen shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions.

The original text has been translated into English, therefore the German text is legally binding.

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